October 19, 2024

Diana Tall

Professional Advice

Resource Efficency

Resource Efficency


Resource efficiency is the ability to use resources in a way that minimizes waste and maximizes value. It’s about making sure that you’re using the right quantity of materials and adding more value than your company has to spend. Resource efficiency can help companies reduce their environmental impact and create stronger profits for shareholders, but it’s not always easy to get started. Here are some tips for getting started with resource efficiency in your business:

Resource Efficency

What is it?

Resource efficiency is the ability to use resources in the most efficient way. It’s a way of reducing waste and increasing productivity, which can help to reduce costs and increase profits. Resource efficiency can also help improve the environment by using fewer materials, reducing pollution from manufacturing processes and creating less waste overall. This approach is important for sustainability because it ensures that we don’t use up all of our natural resources before moving onto other sources of energy – like wind or solar power instead of coal mining for example!

Why does it matter?

Resource efficiency is an important concept to understand, especially if you’re in business. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • It’s a way of reducing waste and increasing profits.
  • It’s also a way to reduce costs.
  • And it can help the environment (and sometimes your community) as well!

What does it take to be resource efficient?

It’s not just about energy. It’s about all the resources we use, including water and paper.

It’s also not just about reducing waste. It’s also about making sure that what you’re doing is sustainable–that it will last for a long time and not cause problems for the environment in the future.

How does your company measure up?

How do you measure up?

The first step to improving resource efficiency is measuring how much you currently use and how much waste is generated. That can be done by comparing your company’s performance against industry benchmarks. The following information will help you get started:

  • How much does it cost? An average office building uses about $8 per square foot per year in energy costs, while a high-performance building uses less than half that amount (about $2-3/ft2/year). This range includes both new construction and renovation projects–the latter being more cost effective because they require less investment in new equipment such as lighting fixtures or windows.
  • What are the benefits? Lower operating costs due to reduced utility bills mean more money available for other priorities at work such as employee training programs, office improvements like cubicles with whiteboard walls instead of dry erase markers on cork boards (which also reduces waste), etc..


To be resource efficient, companies must make a commitment to reduce their impact on the environment while also increasing their profitability. This can be done by investing in renewable energy sources or by simply reducing the amount of waste they produce through recycling programs and other initiatives.